Adoption Centre
An adoption centre is functioning under Kerala State Council for Child Welfare at our Head Quarters in Thiruvananthapuram since 1978. Two units of Sisugraha with 10 kids each is functioning here. The Foundling Home at Malappuram is also transformed into an adoption centre. Also we are in the process of starting four more specialized adoption agencies in different districts like Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha and Kasargode. We consider adoption as the finest form of rehabilitation of orphaned children and it is the legal process of transferring the rights and responsibility of a child to a non-biological parent. The adoption center at KSCCW works towards finding the best family for every child. We strictly follow adoption procedures based on CARA guidelines. Everything related to adoption will be available in the site cara.nic.in which is fully maintained by Central Government, Ministry of Women and Child Development. The Council also conducts various awareness programmes about adoption and child rights.
Nearly 650 children were adopted to different families through Council’s adoption centers. We arrange annual get together for adopted children and parents which helps to strengthen their mental health through different sessions like experience sharing, counselling, parenting etc.
We are maintaining a warm and cordial relationship with the adopted parents and also offer proper support and counselling whenever needed. We also provide professional guidance to all prospective adoptive parents who contact us.
Standards we follow in child care
Physical Facility:
We ensure utmost care in maintaining sanitation and hygiene since a majority of children at the institution are small and suffering from numerous ailments. Children below the age of 1 year should be in a room with an attached bathing room and milk room. Children between ages of 1-3 years should be kept in room with attached bathroom. There is separate washing area and large kitchen and dining hall for the older children. Walls and surroundings are painted and decorated which helps in visual stimulation in children.
Medical Facility:
We have one medical practitioner, 7 nurses and adequate number of caretakers in the ratio 4:1 for children below 1 year, 5:1 for children in the age group of 1 to 3 years and 8:1 for older children. Immunization is regularly given and monitored. General health measures viz hygiene, dental, skin care and diet is supervised.
Our children are dressed clean and comfortable.
We provide hygienic, nourishing and tasty food. Menu is varied as per the need of children. If special diet is needed we follow it with the help of dietician.
We provide informal education through qualified teachers and special educator and also have tie up with school where children will be taken on a temporary basis.
Adoption Procedures
Who can be adopted?
Abandoned, orphaned and surrendered kids can be adopted as per the Adoption Regulations of the Government of India.
How to adopt a child?
Indian residents, Non-Indian Residents or foreign citizens who want to adopt should register online through www.cara.nic.in. The acknowledgment slip must be printed and kept for future reference. Necessary documents must be uploaded within 30 days of registration. After furnishing the documents, applicant should select an agency through online for home study. The agency should be in the same district of applicant/s or in the nearest district in case if there is no agency in applicant’s district. A social worker from the centre or district child protection unit will upload the home study report to the website after visiting the home of applicant.
Pre-adoption Foster Care
The child shall be taken in pre-adoption foster care by the prospective adoptive parents within twenty days from the date of matching, after signing the pre-adoption foster care agreement.
Post Adoption Follow-up
The Specialized Adoption Agency which has prepared the Home Study Report, shall prepare the post-adoption follow-up report on six monthly basis for two years from the date of pre-adoption foster placement with the prospective adoptive parents.
Who can adopt?
A person, married or unmarried is eligible for adopting. Childless couples as well as couple with biological children can adopt.
For more information, visit www.cara.nic.in
Referral Matching
On seniority/priority basis, the prospective adoptive parent shall view the profile of upto three children which includes their photo, child study report and medical examination report. Initially, the profile of one child will be shown to the Prospective Adoptive Parent, if PAP does not accept the child, then the next child will be shown after a period of 90 days. After viewing the profile of the child or children, the prospective adoptive parents may reserve one child within a period of forty-eight hours for possible adoption and the rest of the children would be released by Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System for other prospective adoptive parents in the waiting list.
The prospective adoptive parent/s must visit the child within 20 days from the date of reserving the child. The Specialised Adoption Agency shall counsel the prospective adoptive parents when they visit the agency for matching.
While accepting the child, the prospective adoptive parents shall sign the Child Study Report and Medical Examination Report which may be downloaded from the Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System, in the presence of the social worker or chief functionary of the Specialised Adoption Agency and the Specialised Adoption Agency shall record the acceptance by the prospective adoptive parents in the Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System.
Legal Procedures
The Specialised Adoption Agency shall file an application in the court concerned, having jurisdiction over the place where the Specialised Adoption Agency is located, with relevant documents in original within ten working days from the date of matching of the child with the prospective adoptive parents, for obtaining the adoption order from court.
Illegal Adoption is a Punishable Crime
Institutions or individuals involved in the illegal adoption of children are punishable upto three years of imprisonment or fine upto one lakh or both according to the Juvenile Justice Act 2015.